Every day we have an opportunity to go inward to reflect on the opportunities before us. These opportunities are the ways that we can realign ourselves to all that is, which is our true nature.
We have distracted ourselves, and become so immune to what’s in our environment. We tend to accept what’s in front of us as the life we are meant to have. Our vibration and beliefs are what’s causing life to be what we experience.
We incarnated into this life to understand our true nature through experiences, and to grow, raise our vibration, and accept parts of ourselves in the healing process. We can navigate life from an empowered state and recognize the so-called challenges and growing pains experienced are bringing us to higher consciousness.
We only suffer by holding onto that which is meant to be released — traumas, unhealthy patterns, and emotions. When we let go we can expand and return the connection to higher self.
The suffering that we hold is what’s causing more suffering within groups of people and countries around the world. We can all go inward and trust that we are truly an eternal divine being, and we have the power to clear that which no longer serves us. We have the power to change our lives and return to our true nature of peace and joy.
We must take opportunities throughout our experiences to reflect and go inward into the space of expansion. This is where we can serve ourselves to elevate, taking the time with compassion to re-pattern our ways to live in alignment with our higher self.
We are eternal beings, and when we hold this truth close and practice the ways that support our divinity, we live empowered. When we go about our lives and continue to live in the distractions of the world, we are more of our physical body. We can step upward into our eternal self, and allow ourselves to be our energetic body.
By restoring the energy that we already naturally hold and live from this energy source, we experience a whole new world and one that we will enjoy. It becomes easier to manifest the reality we want to live in. There is so much energy flowing through and around us, but we block ourselves from the natural radiance because we are living more from the physical realm.
There is always hope for progress and today we have a choice. Do we want to live stuck in the same patterns that ultimately limit our potential or do we want to try our best every day to up level and be in a natural state of flow?
Commit today to discovery a practice that offers you a return to your natural energetic self. There are many tools and practices available and it’s best to find one that resonates with you. I am here to support and guide you to your higher self.