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Peaceful In Mind

peaceful in mind on a trail in the jungle

We feel sad for the wars we know are happening across the planet.

The war we see, the conflicts we see, and the hate we see — these beliefs are what we hold within at a collective level. We have collectively created these wars.

I know the time is now that we are purging the disconnect from ourselves, bringing out and up all that has been stored for way too long, both collectively and individually.

The conflicts that we internally struggle with— fear, anger, hate, stress, sadness— are the suffering we hold within our hearts. This pain is not only ours but the planet's.

We are peaceful in mind when we recognize our power. Our powerful mind and our intent can bring forth the peace we want to experience.

We must address limited, conditioned patterns — emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and prejudices. We must use our experiences as the teachers and guideposts they are.

As we walk the trail of life, our opportunity is to return to peace within.

When we let go of the pain we get closer to authentic being. And this is true freedom. Transforming our experiences contributes to the authentic whole.

To know our true essence, we must let go of the suffering we create for ourselves.

It is a process to let go. We are learning and can embrace that life is a school to learn these lessons. In reflection, we discover what's causing our disconnect, disharmony, and disease.

Awareness is where we start, and our practices keep us in alignment.

We can use our awareness to return to love. We have forgotten our true essence and it's time we return. We can understand why we suffer and create the space to heal.

Peace will express outward into the world with our internal peace.

War and conflict may be around us, and internal war and conflict within us. We can know our challenges and those of others through compassion.

Those who choose internal peace are the inspiration and balance. Our work in restoring peace and well-being creates a ripple effect.

I've spent conscious time mending the broken pieces I forgot were even there. I continue to heal and practice ways to live in alignment.

You and I are the same at the core level. We want peace and harmony.


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